Adult Abuse Registry Availability

States where Vetty can run an Adult Abuse Registry Check

Not all states have Adult Abuse Registries and some do not allow 3rd party CRAs to run Adult Abuse Registry checks on the employer's behalf. Below are the states where Vetty CAN run the Adult Abuse Registry check. 

*Please enquire with your Sales rep or CSM for pricing. Pass through fees may apply

  1. Alaska
  2. Alabama
  3. Arizona
  4. Arkansas
  5. California
  6. Colorado
  7. Connecticut
  8. District of Columbia
  9. Delaware
  10. Georgia
  11. Hawaii
  12. Idaho
  13. Illinois
  14. Indiana
  15. Iowa
  16. Kansas
  17. Kentucky
  18. Louisiana
  19. Massachusetts
  20. Maryland
  21. Maine
  22. Missouri
  23. Nebraska
  24. New Hampshire
  25. New Mexico
  26. New Jersey
  27. North Carolina
  28. North Dakota
  29. Ohio
  30. Oklahoma
  31. Oregon
  32. Pennsylvania
  33. Rhode Island
  34. South Carolina
  35. Tennessee
  36. Texas
  37. Utah
  38. Vermont
  39. Washington
  40. Wisconsin
  41. Wyoming