Bulk Upload


If you wish to upload many candidates into Vetty with one easy step, you can use the Bulk Upload feature. 

  1. Navigate to the Bulk Upload tab on your Vetty dashboard at client.vetty.co 
  2. Download the Sample CSV File

  3. Fill in the required fields:
    a. firstname
    b. lastname
    c. emailid (email address)
    d. packageid - found in the 3rd column of the Packages tab
    e. costcenter - Email support@vetty.co to retrieve this id
  4. You can fill in the optional fields or leave them blank
    f. Phone Number
    g. Send notifications and reminders through SMS (Y/N)
  5. Save the file
  6. Upload it using the Upload CSV File button
  7. Click Place Order

Reminder: The customizable Welcome Email will be sent to all candidates in the bulk upload. Please feel free to adjust the wording on this email as needed.


Please allow up to 6 hours for the order to be placed in the Vetty system