How do I manage users?

How to add, delete or edit user access

Inside Vetty, user roles grant unique levels of access for teammates for each part of the platform. To manage user permissions, you must have User Management in your access level. Super Admins and Basic Admins can both manage users.

To find the Manage users section, log into Vetty at Click the Settings section, and then the Manage Users tab.

Adding a New User

To add a new user, select the New User button in the upper right-hand side. 
Enter their First Name, Last Name, Email Address and set their User Role. Then click "Send Invitation"

*If locations are enabled in your account, after sending the invitation, click in the empty box next to the new users name. You will see your location list pop up. Add in the locations that you would like to give this user access to. 

* You can grant a user access to multiple locations and can grant multiple roles to the user. 

Removing a User

To remove a user, find the user in the user list. You may use the Filter box to search a user by first or last name. Select the red trash can in the right-most column on the page. This user will now be unable to log into Vetty.  

*If you need to re-activate a previously deleted user, please email 

Editing a User Role

To edit a user's role, click on the Role box next to their user name. You will see a pop-up to select their role. You can use the checkboxes to grant the user more roles and take away previous roles as well. Ensure to click Save below when all edits are made.

Vetty's User Roles

  • Criminal & Verifications Recruiter
    Description: This recruiter role CANNOT see Health Screening details. They Can see criminal and verification details. This role mirrors the recruiter role except for the Health Screening permissions. This role cannot take Pre Adverse actions
  • View Only
    Description: This role can view candidate details and individual check details. They cannot add anything (including candidates or new checks) or edit any settings.
  • Criminal & Verifications Admin
    Description: This user can NOT see Occupational Health related items. This user can initiate Preadverse & Adverse Action as well as see all Criminal & Verification-related results.
  • Recruiter
    Description: This user can add checks and view check details. This user cannot manage other users, access billing, or send pre-adverse action letters.
  • Occupational Health User
    Description: This is for clients using occupational health checks like Titers, Blood Draws, Vaccinations, Physicals and others. This role will allow the person to see those results. *CAN BE ADDED TO ANY EXISTING ROLE
  • Billing User
    Description: This user will only be able to look at invoices
  • Dev User
    Description: Create and retrieve client API integration details.
  • Basic Admin
    Description: This role can view candidates, invite users to the account, and assign non-Admin user roles. This role can also view invoices and change developer settings. This role cannot make hiring decisions.
  • Requestor
    Description: Can view the Dashboard, Add Checks, and View the Client Details Page. This role can see the status of reports in the Candidates page, but CANNOT see the details or results of completed reports.
  • Adjudicator
    Description: Can View the Dashboard, View the Candidate Details Page, View Applicant Check Results, and send Pre-Adverse and Adverse Action notices.
  • Super User
    Description: Can View Dashboard, View Packages, Add Checks, View Candidate Details Page, and send Pre-Adverse, and Adverse Action notices.
  • Dashboard User
    Description: Can view the Candidate list. Cannot see the candidate report details.
  • Super Admin
    Description: Has full access to all functionality within the Vetty system. This role can update account settings (including billing information, welcome email, change logo), and assign all roles to any users in the account.
  • I-9 User
    Description: Will have access to the I9 dashboard, only.