How should I prepare for my background check?


It's very simple—have and provide the correct information, quickly.  We recommend you to pay close attention to emails from "Vetty" to ensure quick turnaround time.  Sometimes emails are routed to junk mail, so be on the lookout there as well.

Here is what we recommend having ready:

  • Have a copy of your Driver's License for Identity Verification or Motor Vehicle Records Search.
  • Know, and provide your correct SSN number.
  • If your background check includes Education or Employment Verification please have the following ready.
  • Education Verification Requires:
    • School Name
    • Degree Earned
    • Any Majors and Minors
    • GPA or Date of Attendance
    • Date of Graduation
    • School Address
    • Email to the registrar's office
    • Providing a picture or your diploma or transcripts through your Vetty Profile is helpful and extremely easy. 
  • Employment Verification Requires:
    • Company Name
    • Job title
    • Dates of your employment
    • Company address,
    • Contact information (Name, Email, Phone, and General Fax) of the HR team or person who can verify employment