If you have a health screening (drug test, titers, or other) as a part of your background check, you may not see a clinic location nearby. If this happens, please write to Vetty Support at support@vetty.co and let us know your name and your zip code and we will look within our network to find you an alternative location.
Vetty is always adding clinics to our network and may have a partner nearby who can provide the health screening.
If there are no providers in your area, we will work with your recruiter/hiring team to find the closest alternate location.
Once Vetty has found you a clinic, you will receive an email with the donor pass. You will also be able to log into applicant.vetty.co and see the address, hours and contact details of the clinic. We recommend checking the clinic's website or calling the clinic to see if you can make an appointment. Most clinics take walk-ins, but this can reduce wait times.